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4 Quick Website Changes That Make a Big Difference to Your Bounce Rate

bounce rate optimization

You've spent more hours than you are to count composing content, coding, and exploring how to optimize your website for more leads. Google works hard to ensure that internet users have quick access to the useful content consumers crave. For example, if someone is trying to find out why they're so tired all the time, they enter "why am I tired" into the search bar. If instead of a list of medical explanations about fatigue, Google provides them with what looks like information they want, but is actually a website selling tires, the person will quickly leave the website. This sudden leaving is called bounce rate. A high bounce rate indicates that your current website isn't attracting your target market. When you're talking bounce rate, the lower the number the better. A low bounce rate indicates great website content and engagement.

The good news is that lowering a high bounce rate doesn't mean you have to take everything you've done to build up your internet presence and tear it apart. There are some surprisingly simple methods for remedying a high bounce rate.

Figure Out Who Your Bouncers Are

The most important aspect of resolving a high bounce rate is figuring out who is bouncing off our website as soon as they visit it. You'll be pleased to know that it's not difficult to figure out who the culprits are. All that's required is Google Analytics. Use the information provided by Google Analytics to determine the origin of your bouncers. If they're all coming from a particular internet browser or link, you know the issue isn't with your website.

One final thing to check while your determining the origins of your bouncers is to see if there is one particular keyword phrase you've incorporated into your website that's attracting them. If so, you'll know that the keyword is also relevant to an industry outside of your own and decide if you should eliminate it from your content.

Make Sure Your Website Loads Quickly

Today's consumer isn't very patient. When they visit a website, they want it to load quickly so they can see the information they're looking for and move on to their next project. If your website isn't optimized for fast loading speeds, that would explain a high bounce rate. According to data collected by Crazy Egg, a single second in delayed load time can result in an 11% decrease in page views and a 7% conversion loss.

There are several things you can do to decrease your website's load speeds, including:

  • Reducing how long it takes the server to respond
  • Minimize the number of HTTP requests the website makes
  • Combine some different files so there's less to load
  • Explore other options such as deferring or using asynchronous loading when working with JavaScript files

While optimizing your website's loading speed, don't forget to check that it features a mobile responsive design so that it loads quickly and properly onto tablets and smartphones.

Decrease Sidebar Widgets

Sidebar widgets are great when posted in a way that helps navigate a blog, but if they appear on every page of your website, they could be the reason you're experiencing such a high bounce rate. Sidebar widgets not only make the page feel cramped, but if they're loaded down with advertisements, quick notes, and accolades, they're often a distraction that quickly irritates your website's visitors. Eliminating them could lower your bounce rate.

If you hate the idea of losing everything you currently have tucked into your sidebar, consider turning the sidebar into a footer.

Ask Yourself if Your Website is Legible

The font you chose for your website might be beautiful, but ask yourself if it's easy to read, especially if you're looking at the website while on your smartphone. If the answer is no, you've probably unearthed the reason for your high bounce rate. No one is going to read the content, no matter how excellent the content is, if they're afraid it will end with strained eyes. If you think the text is the problem, you should alter the design for text that's an easy to read font and size.

While you're looking at the text, check out how easily a stranger can navigate your blog. If you have menus in hard to find places or jumbled up in a way that they're hard to click, it's time to go back to your web designer and ask that they tweak the layout.

Neon Rain has a long history of designing websites that lower bounce rates while increasing conversion rates. Contact us to learn more about how we can correct problems you've encountered with your current website.


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